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technology » damnit, openbsd

lucas's avatar
7 years ago
r1, link
i ❤ demo
1. decide to hostap on my embedded openbsd router
2. find and buy an 11n pci-mini (_not_ express) card supported by openbsd on ebay
3. let months pass due to laziness/business/worries about configuration with pf
4. install it
5. let months pass due to laziness/business/worries about configuration with pf
6. configure it in five minutes, bridging it to the ethernet interface
7. connect. works great. "wow, why didn't i do this a year ago?"
8. notice the connection speed is only 48 Mbps
9. rtfm: man 4 athn:

The athn driver does not support any of the 802.11n capabilities offered
by the adapters. Additional work is required in ieee80211(9) before
those features can be supported.

lucas's avatar
7 years ago
i ❤ demo
man, this thread is intense: … 29&w=2

i didn't think anyone was demanding or begging for anything, just discussing where volunteer dev efforts would be best spent.

kinda turns off people like me who just to run openbsd for fun on a home router, and might send an email or two to the list. donating isn't a big deal, but it helps. don't know why theo assumes everyone is a taker.
Carpetsmoker's avatar
7 years ago
To be fair, this Alexey guy was sort of out of line, and Stefan gently reminded him of that ("People working in their free time tend to work on what they want to work on, not what other people would like them to work on."), which of course wasn't enough for Theo :-/ He can be such an asshole.

If you want good Wi-Fi support then Linux is probably the best road to take ... Although that will mean you'll have to deal with iptables :-/
lucas's avatar
7 years ago
i ❤ demo
yeah, i don't want to run linux on my router. i've been using an 802.11n access point. i'll keep it.

i just wanted to eliminate one unnecessary device from my home. in addition, i was having some wifi connection problems, and thought they might be hiccups from the access point. but i updated my windows 7 wifi driver on my thinkpad x220, which solved the connection hiccups.

i like my little openbsd router quite a bit.

- purpose: gateway/router
- hardware: pcengines alix 2d2
- services:
~ pf. typical small network routing, with ftp-proxy, port forwarding, queuing.
~ dhcp. sends fixed addresses and hostnames to known mac addresses (nice for raspberry pis).
~ dns. forwards requests to isp's dns servers and free public dns servers. master for local dns.
~ ntp. i think maybe it serves time. dunno.

since fixing my laptop's wifi problems, everything seems rock solid now. i love openbsd. :}
phi_'s avatar
6 years ago
... and let the Earth be silent after ye.
Absolutely unrelated, but trying to revive this thread.

9front has a fortune-like program called 'theo' that just spews out random hate from Theo.
lucas's avatar
6 years ago
i ❤ demo
haha i like it
asemisldkfj's avatar
5 years ago
the law is no protection
I haven't fucked with wireless directly on openbsd for like 10 years I think. for a while I had a wrt54gl in dummy/ap/whatever mode and I've been using an airport express similarly since then. still got openbsd and pf on my router/firewall though :). it's some alix board, I think I bought the one with gigabit recently so whatever that one is.
lucas's avatar
5 years ago
i ❤ demo
whoa they have them with gigabit now? dope. gonna look into this
phi_'s avatar
5 years ago
... and let the Earth be silent after ye.
Wireless on OpenBSD works pretty well, IME. Even the Intel iwn cards!

ifconfig iwn0 join ap name

Super easy now.
phi_'s avatar
5 years ago
... and let the Earth be silent after ye.
Nice 802.11 stack improvements in 6.5 (out a week early!)

Reduced usage of RTS frames improves overall throughput and latency.
Improved transmit rate selection in the iwm(4) driver.
Improved radio hardware calibration in the athn(4) driver.
The bwfm(4) driver now provides more accurate device configuration information to userland.
Added new routing socket message RTM_80211INFO to provide details of 802.11 interface state changes to dhclient(8) and route(8).
If an auto-join list is configured, wireless interfaces will no longer connect to unknown open networks by default. This behaviour must now be explicitly enabled by adding the empty network name to the auto-join list, e.g. ifconfig iwm0 join "", or join "" in hostname.if files.
The iwn(4) and iwm(4) drivers will now automatically try to connect to a network if the radio kill switch is toggled to allow radio transmissions while the interface is marked UP.

phi_'s avatar
5 years ago
... and let the Earth be silent after ye.
So ....... sys/tree.h is my new favorite header file. Thank you BSDs.
asemisldkfj's avatar
4 years ago
the law is no protection
this tree.h file makes no sense to me lol

I support anything red-black though
bluet's avatar
3 years ago
i'm excited to use the new in-kernel wireguard in 6.8!
asemisldkfj's avatar
3 years ago
the law is no protection
me too!!! I spent some time setting up a local subnet that is restricted to internet access via a wireguard vpn connection (between my openbsd router/firewall and vpn provider) using pf rules and routing domains and stuff, and trying to get the userland wireguard stuff to run as a non-root user (not much success, unless I chowned /dev/utun* which felt wrong). the kernel support will be nice but I haven't tried it out yet.