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philosophy and religion » the power of now

andyp's avatar
17 years ago
nothing is wrong - what are you scared of?
anyone read The Power of Now or any other books by Eckhart Tolle? It is a very interesting book about the importance of being totally present rather than clinging to the illusionary past and future. If you have not read it, I recommend it.
lucas's avatar
17 years ago
i ❤ demo
i like the basic premise.. it's what i try to do myself, it seems. however, i shy away from "spiritual" books, generally.

perhaps you could elaboate on the content and on how it uses "spirituality"?
andyp's avatar
17 years ago
nothing is wrong - what are you scared of?
I would classify this book maybe more as personal development more than spirituality.. but i guess it all depends on how you think of spirituality though.

some different topics it discusses are the ego, drama, relationships, death, and separation from the mind. It all comes down to the key of being constantly present wherever you are. The future and past are only illusions made to maybe just satisfy a false reality that would be ideal.

I typed out a couple sections on my live journal that I can paste here if you would like.
lucas's avatar
16 years ago
i ❤ demo
bump for greene
16 years ago
Ap that sounds pretty sweet. You think they have it at a library, or do you want to share your copy?
andyp's avatar
16 years ago
nothing is wrong - what are you scared of?
they might have it at the library. My girl friend is reading it right now, but maybe i could send it to you after she is done with it
hmorgan's avatar
16 years ago
I am almost done! What an amazing book... Reading this has motivated me to stop thinking about the past and future constantly. This is a waste of energy. I've also learned how to discipline my mind by not allowing thought to take over me. It is important to just -be- and not necessarily to think and feel all the time. This book also motivated me to get rid of all my non-essential, material, crap. It's mostly stuff I don't need anyway, and I refuse to identify with it anymore. The physical world is constantly moving into form, through form, and out of form; does it make any sense to cling to anything so unstable? Anyway, I'll stop blah-blahing about it. But I want to stress that, if ready to receive it, this book can change your life. I highly recommend it.
greene's avatar
16 years ago
cursed, but the demons i confronted with dispersed
haha lucas. my turn around time is not as great here as maggied. 35 days. i read the power of now in february '05 in panama city and it filled me with an electric energy that lasted about 3 days. i had a spiritual experience the night after reading it... i had a glimpse of a nirvana-like state filled with warm exctasy and dreams that night of fireworks and happiness.

i have been chasing the dragon ever since.

there is nothing like sitting down, listening to a good meditation cd like karunesh's 'beyond body and mind' and meditating. its like being in utero

uhhhh... i don't know what else to say on this subject as i am too passionate about it for my own good. i have certainly made reaching enlightenment the only goal in this lifetime and it is without a doubt the thing that i spend most of my energy on. i meditate about an hour a day on my own and an hour a day with binaural beats (

have any of you heard of holosync?
lucas's avatar
16 years ago
i ❤ demo
just from you.. i have yet to try it
greene's avatar
16 years ago
cursed, but the demons i confronted with dispersed
they have a free trial you can send out for... or just torrent "awakening prolouge"
Fsmart's avatar
15 years ago
I have tried to read the book three times in three different formats but find that the spiritual dominance of his language distracts from his fundamental message, which can be summarized in one paragraph or so as andyp did rather efficiently.

It seems to me that he is selling a whole world view, that which I view as a type of Buddhism, under a simple reward simple of living in the moment. Fundamentally I think he is only restating what many “wise” people have said before. Here is an older version:

The Serenity Prayer

God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.
Living one day at a time;
Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
Taking, as He did, this sinful world
as it is, not as I would have it;
Trusting that He will make all things right
if I surrender to His Will;
That I may be reasonably happy in this life
and supremely happy with Him
Forever in the next.
--Reinhold Niebuhr (partly)

Tolle also adds some "modern" mumbo jumbo to the book about separate egos. Not that I don't recommend it, but I wouldn't expect a life changing experience. My personal favorite in this subject matter is “The Zen of Happiness” by Wu Wei, a much more concise book.