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philosophy and religion » existencial crisis - have you ever had one?

greene's avatar
15 years ago
cursed, but the demons i confronted with dispersed
i'm sorry, that's "existential"

i think every one should have at least one of these in their life time. like a.j. from the sopranos in the last season, when he says stuff like "were gonna bomb iran, what's the point to all of this"?

anyway, have you had one? how long did it last? during the height of mine (feb 2006) i used a picture of myself crying as my facebook picture
bluet's avatar
15 years ago
i think i had one a couple years ago, but then i discovered nihilism, and now it's much better
nestor's avatar
15 years ago
oh yeah, had one about 2 years ago that lasted for about six months.
greene's avatar
15 years ago
cursed, but the demons i confronted with dispersed
i actually have had three i think

2003 - 6 months

2006 - 3 months and then another for like 4-6 months in the fall

but i'm better now thanks to buddhism (which amounts to nihilism + compassion... the joyful participation in the suffering of the world)
greene's avatar
15 years ago
cursed, but the demons i confronted with dispersed
plus lots of meditation and a lot less drugs and booze
nestor's avatar
15 years ago
yeah no more drugs here, although i never was too bad. booze is fine in perfect moderation.

nihilism + compassion sounds like my worldview.
bluet's avatar
15 years ago
yeah, compassion is nice too, i guess
nestor's avatar
15 years ago
i guess. :D
greene's avatar
15 years ago
cursed, but the demons i confronted with dispersed
don't get me wrong, i still drink... i probably always will
Fsmart's avatar
15 years ago
"existential crisis", euphemism for depression ? if so, yeah, they come and they go.
phi_'s avatar
15 years ago
... and let the Earth be silent after ye.
I have too much to do to have an existential crisis.
andyp's avatar
15 years ago
nothing is wrong - what are you scared of?
sort of have one now.. I just don't know what to think any more..
15 years ago
I don't know about a crisis, but always an unanswered pondering thought. I find if I can distract myself long enough, that I to will die some day. And i'll be lucky enough too never have to ponder this again lol.
Fsmart's avatar
15 years ago
just getting over a recent existential crisis... came with jet lag and female rejection.
Fsmart's avatar
15 years ago
still working on getting over that...I think i am mostly there
asemisldkfj's avatar
14 years ago
the law is no protection
I think I'm having one of these.
nny's avatar
14 years ago
M̮͈̣̙̰̝̃̿̎̍ͬa͉̭̥͓ț̘ͯ̈́t̬̻͖̰̞͎ͤ̇ ̈̚J̹͎̿̾ȏ̞̫͈y̭̺ͭc̦̹̟̦̭̫͊̿ͩeͥ̌̾̓ͨ
haven't had an existential crisis since college. pretty sure I got it figured out at this point.
asemisldkfj's avatar
14 years ago
the law is no protection
being at work in hindering my ability to address this crisis. but maybe that's a good thing.
asemisldkfj's avatar
14 years ago
the law is no protection
meaning work is actually helping me to address it, in a way.
asemisldkfj's avatar
14 years ago
the law is no protection
still having this.
nny's avatar
14 years ago
M̮͈̣̙̰̝̃̿̎̍ͬa͉̭̥͓ț̘ͯ̈́t̬̻͖̰̞͎ͤ̇ ̈̚J̹͎̿̾ȏ̞̫͈y̭̺ͭc̦̹̟̦̭̫͊̿ͩeͥ̌̾̓ͨ
what's the crisis? maybe if you hum a few bars we can finish the tune?
asemisldkfj's avatar
14 years ago
the law is no protection
haha, good metaphor. I've just convinced myself lately that human society is doomed and have grown less certain that there is much of anything I can do about it. and I've been feeling shitty about being on the receiving end of much of the world's labor. it just seems like a shitty setup with a non-obvious solution. so basically, tell me how to fix the world, ttf.
asemisldkfj's avatar
14 years ago
the law is no protection
and also a solution that on some level I of course do not want, because right now I think that I lead a very easy life thanks to being born in a "developed" country, and who would want to give that up. I am, after all, still using a computer, a cell phone, eating processed food, buying electronics, etc. they just have been giving me more guilt than enjoyment lately.

I wonder how much this has been brought on by planning on going back to school. I guess I'm just feeling a little less certain about doing education, and a lot less certain about what I actually want to do.
nny's avatar
14 years ago
M̮͈̣̙̰̝̃̿̎̍ͬa͉̭̥͓ț̘ͯ̈́t̬̻͖̰̞͎ͤ̇ ̈̚J̹͎̿̾ȏ̞̫͈y̭̺ͭc̦̹̟̦̭̫͊̿ͩeͥ̌̾̓ͨ
If yer caught in a crowd of fat dumbfucks ( living in new york this sometimes happens ). Set the example. Begin the charge. You'd be surprised how quickly you will end up spear heading a team of angry commuters driving a wedge deep into the heart of slothful stupidity. ( maybe a bad analogy since I'm insane... )

Dunno if that gets the point across. But, at least NYC Resistor for instance provides me with a very health dose of optimism. If you aren't doing something that inspires or contributes to stuff you care about, you of course will feel like nothing good is going down. Once you do start following that course, you'll get yer ass kicked a few times but you'd be amazed how quickly shit goes really right once it starts going right. And, more importantly I think you'll be amazed how many people think just like you do, and are just waiting for a chance to do something about it.

Hell read the make blog for the last week. Read the interview s with the FIRST teams they were posting. There's a tremendously awesome feeling in accomplishing something. It's like crack for progress.

Sort of a "if you build it, they will come" sort of response. But my experience says this is pretty much the case.

Now, ignoring that optimism, look go to a major city. Find a nice spot to get a panoramic. And just look at it. 400 years ago the written word was something guarded by the church. 300 years ago the world was in turmoil over a mad drive to expand into the "new world". 200 years ago the steam engine, and the very beginnings of the industrial revolution were taking root. 100 years ago we were for the first time ever a truly global community. 50 years ago the atom had been unlocked and the first microchip was under development... to put a man on the motherfucking MOON. And just 15 years ago the internet was something very few people had ever used. Today we are all connected. And the last ten years of mind bogglingly fast advancements in semiconductor and digital technologies are only just starting to hit a higher gearing. In 20 years the first generation of 100% digitally raised kids will be entrenched in the work force. And then shits going to go BANANAS.

And you know what? There's cell phones in the amazon, and satellite TV in the mountains of southwest Pakistan. Whether people like it or not, or put the effort forth or not, the environment in which they are being born into is promoting betterment across the board. And sure there's going to be a hell of a lot of mistakes and setbacks... probably some downright dire ones. But on the whole the trend is upward, and almost asymptotic.

I get what yer feeling, and if you OD on RSS feeds and CNN yer gonna end up downright fucking depressed. Don't do that. Focus on the stuff that matters and stop letting all the little stuff drag you down. Hell read some walt whitman.... if there was any person on this earth who had reason to be depressed it was a medic during the civil war... but that fantastic fuck wrote some of the most optimistic prose concerning our country ever written. And while a million racist jerks and a million imperialistic fools aren't remembered. He is.

At the end of the day, people for all of their stupid failings, are downright fucking unkillable little cockroaches that produce crazy ridiculous astounding shit out of quite literally nothing at all. And, to quote firefly... "that makes us mighty."

=D Buck up Fuck up!
andyp's avatar
14 years ago
nothing is wrong - what are you scared of?
^ post of the day!
Étrangère's avatar
14 years ago
I am not a robot...
> Buck up Fuck up!

best insult-delivered-via-encouraging-comment of the day
asemisldkfj's avatar
14 years ago
the law is no protection
thanks for that post, nny. seriously.

I kind of want to go to law school. fuck.
nestor's avatar
14 years ago
> Buck up Fuck up!

grip it and rip it
Étrangère's avatar
14 years ago
I am not a robot...
nny's avatar
14 years ago
M̮͈̣̙̰̝̃̿̎̍ͬa͉̭̥͓ț̘ͯ̈́t̬̻͖̰̞͎ͤ̇ ̈̚J̹͎̿̾ȏ̞̫͈y̭̺ͭc̦̹̟̦̭̫͊̿ͩeͥ̌̾̓ͨ … h-service/ Timely and relevant.
lucas's avatar
14 years ago
i ❤ demo … mp;f=false